
Welcome to CookOutRP!

While a lot of the activities and actions you can complete in the server are straightforward, there are bound to be some common questions asked by yourself or other players. We’ve made this list to help answer some of those.

My starter apartment doesn't have storage./ Why does paid storage not work in my apartment?

By default, your free starter apartment does NOT have storage or a wardrobe. You can purchase 1 free storage chest and 1 free wardrobe from the furniture menu and place them in your apartment as you see fit. You can do this from the Furniture Menu in the Radial (default F1 key).

NOTE: Other storage furniture that requires $ in the furniture menu does not work in the free apartments. This is by design and is not a bug/error

On occasion, you may end up getting stuck in a building or under the map. If this happens, please use /report and staff will help you out! For any major game breaking bugs or to report another player for a rule-break, please submit a ticket.
NOTE: Some things you expect to work, may not unless you have an item. Be sure if you submit a ticket for an issue, that you’ve done your due diligence.

Some vehicle dealerships may allow you to finance a vehicle. If you choose to do so, please know that payments are due after every 12 hours that you are awake in city, NOT every 12 IRL hours.
For finance payments, these DO NOT auto-draft from your bank account. To check your finance balance on your car and make your payments, use /myfinance. Failure to pay your car loan will result in automatic repossession and staff is not able to return those vehicles to you.

At the time of writing, house financing is not currently enabled. This feature/option may become available at a later date.“`

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