Real Estate with Dynasty8

Looking to get out of your parents house? Tired of sleeping in your car? Or are you simply getting into the property monopoly?

We can help you with that and much more. We can house anybody at an affordable price for you and your loved ones. Properties can range anything from $95,000 up to over $1 million.

We have a wide range of interiors available to help you find that warm and humble effect that any home should give.

We have 6 different zone types, each encompassing a different region and different prices/options:

  • Sandy Shores (Trailers), Harmony (Trailers), Hippie Camp (Trailers) – Starting at $95k
  • Southside, Harmony (houses), Sandy Shores (houses), Grapeseed (houses) – Starting at $150k
  • Paleto & Mirror Park – Starting at $175k
  • Vespucci Canals, Vespucci Beach, Chumash Beach – Starting at $250k
  • Cougar Ave Mansions, Vinewood Hills Mansions, Chumash Mansions – Starting at $650k
  • Lake Vinewood Estates & Buen Vino Mansions – Starting at $1.25 Million

Please note: warehouses and apartments are not currently offered. Additionally, some regions are not for sale, including houses on farms/ranches, within certain private compounds, and within select designated criminal territories. 

To give you an example of what we can offer, or if you are just looking for more information, reach out to a Realtor!

Justice Kaitlynn Cross
Los Santos Real Estate Board, Dynasty8 Chairman

Dynasty8 – The Best Move You’ll Ever Make

Requirements to apply for Dynasty8:

  • Minimum age of 18
  • Read and understand the Realtor Regulations
  • No Chat GPT/AI/Plagiarism will result in denial and a potential blacklist from applying
  • Ability to pass a criminal background check upon applying